Indoor Protection
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Guard Rails Protect with Quick Access

Easy to install, Guard Rails help protect property and allows convenient access with removable rails. Perfect for: Sales Floors, Prep Areas, Storage Rooms, Dock Areas, Inside or Outside of Buildings.
- Surface mount bolt down steel posts
- Removable steel rails
- Base plate - 8"x8"x1/2"
- Tapered ends
- Flush on aisle side
- Heavy duty gauge steel
- Posts - Galvanized Steel Powder Coated Yellow, 2' or 4' Height
- Rails - Galvanized Steel, 5' Length
Floor Rails Protect Expensive Displays

These stainless steel Floor Rails help protect refrigerated cases from shopping carts and material handling equipment. Rails available in 4', 8', 10', or cut to lengths.
- Stainless steel - 10 gauge
- Removable for easy cleaning
- Reusable as floor plans change
- Concealed mount
- Continuous look, no gapping
- Sliding adjustable legs
- Solid end caps
- Rail
- Legs
- Metal floor inserts
- Rubber floor insert sleeves
Corner Options:

Corner floor rail: 90 degree continuous rail

H.I.P.S. (High Impact Protection System) Corners:
Corner bollard collar: 90 degrees, ties two floor rails to a threaded bolt down bollard
One way bollard collar: ties one floor rail to a threaded bolt down bollard